Artist Statement
“The city as a landscape of interactions instead of as a clearly identified object”
Globalization and the media transform the concept and social context of reality. Image, image transfer and interpretation reflect our life today. We observe the out of place, the disconnected and the diffuse at the same time. It's our new perception of “the real”.
Reconsideration of authenticity and function builds a new metropolis as part of SimCity: the microcosm of urban existence. Defamiliarization and re-definition of place, perception and suggestion function explicitly as the center from which to explore space and time as “morphing bodies.”
Process Statement
Using all photographic and cinematographic options available to create an assemblage of images that are produced worldwide, but make one contemporary metropolis of image, time and space. In cooperation with architects or by myself, this world is theory based, but creation orientated. In using out of focus, tilt/shift, movement and maquettes, I'm positioning the works in between reality and model, demonstrating and questioning the position of the public.
How to use our image viewer
Click on any of the thumbnail images to launch the viewer. You can then navigate forward and backward within the portfolio by clicking the left or right side of the enlarged image. Click the add to collection checkbox to automatically add an image to your collection. Image tags or search engine keywords appear below the collections' checkbox and each word or phrase is a link to potentially more image matches.